got loads of stuff to blog about....but i dont feel like blogging about in short, yesterday's Wild Wild Wet was damn fun! screamed like an idiot, fell AGAIN, AGAIN and a tan mark that shows i wore a singlet....luckily Honey and i wore singlets, cos i think the others got a tan mark of the shape of their T-shirts...yeah, i got one scratch on my leg, thanks to RYAN MATTHEW LOW!! cos there was this "water playground" that are meant for toddlers, like Ryan. so there was this super short and slippery slide made of foam? or whatever soft material you call he tried to slide down by the side, then when i tried, he pushed me down...then i was like "WOAH"!!! i got revenged and pushed him down when it was his turn injuries, until the END!! so he was going to slide down...Jia An, Me and someone else,cant remember...maybe Ainslyn? yeah....we were trying to push him down....then FINALLY, we succeeded....but guess what? i was dragged down with him lar...the floor was rough like dont know what sure thats safe for toddlers? yeah....then when Ryan and i scratched the floor, we were like "OOWWWW!!!".....i guess we deserved it...okay, maybe just Ryan, cos we fell many times and got alot of cuts le, but i guess it was just so fun we could not stop? oh yar, there was this girl, maybe 7 or 8 years old? she went down the slide and hurt herself, then she was like "Ouch, my balls..." AHHAH!! Jia An, Ainslyn and I were laughing like crazy lar.....okay, this was supposed to be a 5-lined post....sadly, Syaiful didnt go yesterday. Lucky for me, if not i think i'll go crazier....
loving you hurts but it hurts not loving you
Today was fun, went to ShiNing's house and ordered Macs. Syaiful was fasting and Yat Hong accompanied him. While we were eating, they told us that if we wanna go into the study room, must tell them first....and before that, we were talking about porn and stuff....hahas! so ShiNing and i rushed into the room, but nothing. Then after very long, ShiNing and i went again..and they were watching "stuff" on Youtube. well, guess they're not that bad either, cos Youtube dont have "actual" porn. hahas! and i was like asking Ryan AGAIN, if he is gay. hahas, cos he wasnt watching it with them. oh then, Ryan showed us his primary school friends blog. its like damn freaking sad and touching. imagine seeing your boyfriend getting weaker each day, suffering more and more each day. Imagine him, telling you 2 years ago, that he has 5 years to live. and that his heart might stop anytime. Imagine him, trying to make you hate him. Its heartbreaking! but its lucky that now there's a 70% chance....hope he gets through! cos if all handsome guys like him die, i will die too! hahas! talking about all these, reminds me of Monday. Should i give up? cos its just getting nowhere and its hurting more and more each day....
loving you hurts but it hurts not loving you
10th Anniversary was a total success!!!
WOHOOO!! 10th Anniversary rocks!! it was super fun, really had a lot of fun!! after the dance and the finale.....all the dancers all ran back to the dance room and screamed like siao!! we were on the verge of crying......all the hardwork has paid off and we succeeded!!! WOHOO!! we all keep saying that we will miss each other and stuff, as if we are never gonna see each other again!! hahas....took photos with all of them, besides Tay Ying (-.-")....i dont like her. anyways, it totally rock lar!! so we reached the dance room about 7pm? then we couldnt get enough of dancing and we did it one more time....we even recorded down the dance!! this time, we didnt care if we danced properly....we just had fun cos its the last time we will be dancing it with the costume and everything!! So we took photos and everything...then Amanda and Megan left first. i stayed back with the others....then Sandra, Tiffany, Tracy and the others went down left with me, Yi Huai, Vanessa, Melrize and Shi Yi in the dance room....then Shi Yi was imitating the way Tay Ying was super hilarious lar, Shi Yi is so cute!! hahs!! then later we off the lights and ran out of the Dance Room, screaming....hahas! super scary okay....cos the dance room got 2 piano and then the super big later, went down to meet the others, then everyone was like chasing each other lar....then left me and Tiffany, then we were like "come lar, we chase each others also...." then we started laughing....hahas! after that i started walking home, then i took out my phone and realised that Norvan called me just i called him back.....
Me: kor, you call me for?
N: where are you?
Me: i walking home now...
N: aiyah....wanted to go and find you de....
Me: lols....too late....
-then we talk talk talk-
Me: eh kor, i reach home le....
N: okay...say Hi to your mum for me....
Me: ok...byes!
N: bye....
luckily i called him lar, cos i was like so scary walking home alone...hahas!! i lazy post the photos now...maybe tmr or some other day bah!! byes!!
ps: im addicted to....."Come Back To Me-David Cook", "Touch Your Hand-David Archuleta" and the most addicted to "No Surprise-Daughtry".....thought of changing my blog song to No Suprise but im too lazy to do it....hahas....
i love you Honey, Darling, Baobei and ILYAAS!!
loving you hurts but it hurts not loving you